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关于法国国家技术科学院院士Abderrahmane Kheddar教授来我院做专题报告的通知

9月3日至5日,法国国家功勋骑士勋章获得者、法国国家技术科学院院士Abderrahmane Kheddar教授将对柔电院进行学术访问,并于9月4日9:30-11:00在柔电院学术报告厅开展题为 “协作机器人触觉:智能机器人感知的未来展望”的学术报告。Abderrahmane Kheddar教授作为IEEE机器人自动化学会触觉分会创始人,在人形协作机器人触觉控制、脑机接口等技术领域研究处于全球领先地位,本次报告内容也将重点围绕机器人触觉感知展开。


Haptics for collaborative robots: future perspectives on advanced robotic sensing


报告人:Abderrahmane Kheddar教授,法国国家技术科学院院士

时  间:2019年9月4日(周三)上午9:30-11:00

地  点:浙江清华柔性电子技术研究院五楼报告厅 (浙江嘉兴)

摘  要:

Collaborative robots (cobots), as complex they can be,e.g. humanoids, can serve as human partners in various close-contact situations. As real-use application perspectives appeared recently (domotics, large-scale manufacturing…), cobots have great potential to be exploited as sophisticated assistive systems. Some of robot systems shape imparts them interesting properties in terms of integration, interaction with humans, empathy, and embodiment. As a key element in human-robot physical interaction is the detection of contacts (desired or non-desired ones). This talk reviews our recent developments and views in tools in challenging this problem using only minimal sensor setting and also some larger view of the problem of inferring contact forces without using classical force sensing devices. I will also present perspective of what I believe would be needed in future advanced robotic sensing technologies.


简  介:

Prof Abderrahmane Kheddar received Ph.D. degree in computer science and robotics from the University of Paris 6. He is presently Directeur de Recherche at CNRS and the Codirector of the CNRS-AIST Joint Robotic Laboratory (JRL), UMI3218/RL, Tsukuba, Japan. He is also leading the Interactive Digital Humans (IDH) team at CNRS-University of Montpellier LIRMM, France. His research interests include haptics, humanoids and recently thought-based control using brain machine interfaces. He is a founding member of the IEEE/RAS chapter on haptics, the co-chair and founding member of the IEEE/RAS Technical committee on model-based optimization, he is a member of the steering committee of the IEEE Brain Initiative, Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Robotics and within the editorial board of some other robotics journals; he is a founding member of the IEEE Transactions on Haptics and served in its editorial board during three years (2007-2010). He is an IEEE senior member and titular full member of the National Academy of Technology of France and recently knight of the national order of merits of France.

Abderrahmane Kheddar教授于1997年获得巴黎六大计算机科学与机器人专业博士学位。2014年增选为法国国家技术科学院(NATF)院士,2016年荣获法国国家骑士勋章。Kheddar院士目前是法国国家科学研究院(CNRS)一级研究员、法国国家科学研究院-日本产业技术研究院机器人联合实验室联合主席,同时领导法国蒙彼利埃大学的人机交互研究团队。他的研究兴趣主要包括机器触觉、人形机器人,以及采用脑机接口的意识控制等机器人前沿方向。Kheddar院士是IEEE机器人自动化学会触觉分会创始成员、IEEE机器人自动化学会模式优化技术委员会创始成员和联合主席、IEEE Brain Initiative指导委员会成员,担任(过)包括IEEE Transactions on Robotics等机器人领域顶级期刊/会议编委会委员。