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第二届国际柔性电子学术大会大咖云集之George Malliaras


本周人物:George Malliaras

而今天要为大家介绍的George Malliaras教授,他的团队研发了有机电化学晶体管组成的超薄有机薄膜电子皮肤,该薄膜旨在记录大脑表面的电生理信号。利用该装置在体内对癫痫样放电进行测试,与表面电极相比,由于局部放大而显示出优异的信噪比,为医疗应用带来了巨大的希望。

George Malliaras


University of Cambridge, UK

George Malliaras教授于2017年被任命为剑桥大学菲利普亲王教授,以该大学前任校长的名字命名。他对生物电子学非常感兴趣,研究方向主要包括与大脑交界的设备植入和人体皮肤设备的设计和验证,目的是了解和治疗神经系统疾病和脑癌。他的团队还研究包括模仿大脑某些计算特征的电子设备和电路的实现以及在控制生物电子器件运行的基本现象。

George Malliaras目前是剑桥大学菲利普亲王教授,他于1991年获得亚里士多德大学(希腊)物理学士学位,1995年获得格罗宁根大学(荷兰)的数学和物理科学博士学位。在格罗宁根大学进行博士后工作同时加入IBM Almaden研究中心(加利福尼亚州)。1999年加入康奈尔大学(纽约)材料科学与工程系。从2006年到2009年,他担任康奈尔纳米科技的Lester B.Knight总监。 在2009年之后,他转到法国圣艾蒂高矿业学院,在那里创办了生物电子部门并担任部门主管。2017年,他加入剑桥大学电子工程系。

Malliaras教授在有机电子学和生物电子学领域获得了纽约科学院(Blavatnik奖),美国国家科学基金会和杜邦公司的奖项。他是材料研究学会和皇家化学学会的会员,并担任Science Advances的副主编。同时,他也是EPSRC ITC针对难以治疗的癌症靶向分娩的主任。


截至目前,Malliaras教授和他的团队已累计发表论文340余篇,累计引用次数超过24000,h因子达85。主要发表期刊包括Nature,Nature Reviews Materials,Nature Nanotechnology,Materials Today,Advanced Materials,Science Advances,Journal of the American Chemical Society,Nature Communications,Chemistry of Materials,Organic Letters等知名杂志。

附George Malliaras英文简历:

George Malliaras is the Prince Philip Professor of Technology at the University of Cambridge. He received a BS in Physics from the Aristotle University (Greece) in 1991, and a PhD in Mathematics and Physical Sciences, from the University of Groningen (the Netherlands) in 1995. After postdocs at the University of Groningen and at the IBM Almaden Research Center (California), he joined the faculty in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at Cornell University (New York) in 1999. From 2006 to 2009 he served as the Lester B. Knight Director of the Cornell NanoScale Science & Technology Facility. He moved to the Ecole des Mines de St. Etienne (France) in 2009, where he started the Department of Bioelectronics and served as Department Head. He joined the University of Cambridge in 2017.

Prof. Malliaras' research on organic electronics and bioelectronics has been recognized with awards from the New York Academy of Sciences (Blavatnik Award), the US National Science Foundation, and DuPont. He is a Fellow of the Materials Research Society and of the Royal Society of Chemistry, and serves as an Associate Editor of Science Advances. He is the Director of the EPSRC IRC in Targeted Delivery for Hard-to-Treat Cancers.

Prof. Malliaras has published more than 340 papers that have received over 24,000 citations. His h-index is 85.

Prof. Malliaras’ group is interested in bioelectronics. Research themes include the design and validation of implantable and cutaneous devices to interface with the brain, with the aim of understanding and treating neurological disorders and brain cancer. They also include the realisation of electronic devices and circuits that mimic some of the computational features of the brain. The group is also interested in the fundamental phenomena governing the operation of bioelectronic devices.


2019年7月13-14日,第二届国际柔性电子学术大会将在杭州举行,George Malliaras教授将作为特邀嘉宾出席本次大会,并在大会上作邀请报告。本届大会专注柔性电子的前沿领域,截止目前,除George Malliaras教授外,大会还邀请到了美国三院院士John A. Rogers教授、Takao Someya教授、Ming Liu教授等21位国内外顶级专家为大家带来前瞻性学术报告。

